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The Long Sleepers is a body of work in film, video, and drawing.
The Long Sleepers drawings are a series of 450 4”x6” ink drawings based on film frames from a 3-minute film 16mm I made called The Crystal King (2016). That film portrayed a tour through a show cave called Ohio Caverns, outside Columbus. Ohio Caverns has been leading people through winding underground paths ever since the late 19th century, when a farmhand fell into a sinkhole on a summer day and discovered the untouched rooms clustered with ancient stalactites and stalagmites. Later that same year the cavern was open for paying tourists to come gawk at the underground wonders.
I made the film and then begin drawing. As the film played, I paused whenever a frame appeared that looked intriguing. Then I tried to draw what I saw in simple silver and cyan ink. So there is a pattern in the way these drawings repeat, but no fixed system that they follow. The drawings reflect a subjective path worn through a landscape of repetition. The pieces you see here are a small grouping of the over 450 drawings in the series.
Installation images on this page are of two films and three ice sculptures that are also part of The Long Sleepers projects. The films pictured are Those Are Stars and The Crystal King. Installation at Simon Preston Gallery, New York, 2017.
The Long Sleepers is a body of work in film, video, and drawing.
The Long Sleepers drawings are a series of 450 4”x6” ink drawings based on film frames from a 3-minute film 16mm I made called The Crystal King (2016). That film portrayed a tour through a show cave called Ohio Caverns, outside Columbus. Ohio Caverns has been leading people through winding underground paths ever since the late 19th century, when a farmhand fell into a sinkhole on a summer day and discovered the untouched rooms clustered with ancient stalactites and stalagmites. Later that same year the cavern was open for paying tourists to come gawk at the underground wonders.
I made the film and then begin drawing. As the film played, I paused whenever a frame appeared that looked intriguing. Then I tried to draw what I saw in simple silver and cyan ink. So there is a pattern in the way these drawings repeat, but no fixed system that they follow. The drawings reflect a subjective path worn through a landscape of repetition. The pieces you see here are a small grouping of the over 450 drawings in the series.
Installation images on this page are of two films and three ice sculptures that are also part of The Long Sleepers projects. The films pictured are Those Are Stars and The Crystal King. Installation at Simon Preston Gallery, New York, 2017.