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Three part film installation comprised of 16mm color film, silent, 3:00, 16mm b/w, film transferred to video, sound, 26:00, HD video, color, sound, 12:00, 9 drawings from animated film, 2012
Funes is based on Jorge Luis Borges short story about a young man who gains an infallible memory from being thrown by a horse. The installation consists of a short animated 16mm film alongside two larger-scale video projections, which together elaborate the artist's longstanding interest in sharing the experience of reading. Funes works to fully expand the original text through animation, narration, musical soundtrack and the labor of copying as a means to deeper comprehension. A short 16mm film isolates specific visual elements from the story, i.e. a cigarette or flower, and animates them in their most basic form. The entire
text, copied by hand, is accompanied by narration in the original Spanish, read by the artists Bibi Calderaro and Luis Camnitzer. In addition, a single musical element is extracted from a short composition by Igor Stravinsky and played in turn by three bassoonists.
Funes' involuntary and incessant memory is a torment to him. Borges reflects that to think is to forget differences, generalize, and make abstractions. These themes extend Perlin's interest in detail, detritus, and language. The converging elements inFunes become a reflection on the structure of memory itself.
Three part film installation comprised of 16mm color film, silent, 3:00, 16mm b/w, film transferred to video, sound, 26:00, HD video, color, sound, 12:00, 9 drawings from animated film, 2012
Funes is based on Jorge Luis Borges short story about a young man who gains an infallible memory from being thrown by a horse. The installation consists of a short animated 16mm film alongside two larger-scale video projections, which together elaborate the artist's longstanding interest in sharing the experience of reading. Funes works to fully expand the original text through animation, narration, musical soundtrack and the labor of copying as a means to deeper comprehension. A short 16mm film isolates specific visual elements from the story, i.e. a cigarette or flower, and animates them in their most basic form. The entire
text, copied by hand, is accompanied by narration in the original Spanish, read by the artists Bibi Calderaro and Luis Camnitzer. In addition, a single musical element is extracted from a short composition by Igor Stravinsky and played in turn by three bassoonists.
Funes' involuntary and incessant memory is a torment to him. Borges reflects that to think is to forget differences, generalize, and make abstractions. These themes extend Perlin's interest in detail, detritus, and language. The converging elements inFunes become a reflection on the structure of memory itself.
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012
exhibition view, Simon Preston, New York. image courtesy the Artist and Simon Preston, New York
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012
exhibition view, Simon Preston, New York. image courtesy the Artist and Simon Preston, New York
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012 exhibition view, Simon Preston, New York. image courtesy the Artist and Simon Preston, New York
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012 exhibition view, Simon Preston, New York. image courtesy the Artist and Simon Preston, New York
Jenny Perlin, detail from Funes (drawings), 2012
ink on Arches paper, series of nine framed
Jenny Perlin, detail from Funes (drawings), 2012
ink on Arches paper, series of nine framed
Jenny Perlin Funes 4 March - 15 April, 2012
exhibition view, Simon Preston, New York. image courtesy the Artist and Simon Preston, New York