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Six drawings, colored pencil on newsprint, 30”x50”, 2007
Film: 16mm, b/w, silent, 2:25, 2007
The drawings are made in the process of animating the short, hand-drawn animated film, Box Office (2007). The film begins with a quote by current U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker. In July, 2007, the New York Times quoted Crocker as comparing the current war in Iraq to a three or five-reel movie, depending on where one is living. In contrast to this quote, a list of the top-ten grossing films at the U.S. box office from the same day presents itself onscreen, along with other animated panels of related drawings.
Six drawings, colored pencil on newsprint, 30”x50”, 2007
Film: 16mm, b/w, silent, 2:25, 2007
The drawings are made in the process of animating the short, hand-drawn animated film, Box Office (2007). The film begins with a quote by current U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker. In July, 2007, the New York Times quoted Crocker as comparing the current war in Iraq to a three or five-reel movie, depending on where one is living. In contrast to this quote, a list of the top-ten grossing films at the U.S. box office from the same day presents itself onscreen, along with other animated panels of related drawings.