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16mm, b/w, silent, 3:00, 2003
Menus and lists of foods culled from research describe the “typical All-American Dinner.” The lists range from the banal to the elite to what might be called “the extremely unappetizing.” Ironies appear in the use of non-American terms, and the repetition of a surprising number of foods reworked from their “foreign” roots and presented as “typically American.” The film points at the way “All-American” reinforces the stereotype of the U.S. as a mono-cultural entity. The film is a humorous and pointed look at one so-called “classic” trait of American culture.
16mm, b/w, silent, 3:00, 2003
Menus and lists of foods culled from research describe the “typical All-American Dinner.” The lists range from the banal to the elite to what might be called “the extremely unappetizing.” Ironies appear in the use of non-American terms, and the repetition of a surprising number of foods reworked from their “foreign” roots and presented as “typically American.” The film points at the way “All-American” reinforces the stereotype of the U.S. as a mono-cultural entity. The film is a humorous and pointed look at one so-called “classic” trait of American culture.